Alana Siegel and Ted Rees
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 4:00 pm

Alana Siegel and Ted Rees read from their work. Free.
Humanities Building, The Poetry Center
The Poetry Center
Event extras:
Alana Siegel
Alana Siegel was born in Los Angeles in 1985. Archipelago, published by Station Hill of Barrytown in 2013, is her first full-length book of poetry. Her chapbooks include The Occupations, Semata and Words from Ra Ra Junction. She lives in Berkeley, collaborating at the Bay Area Public School.
Ted Rees
Ted Rees is a poet and radical living in Oakland. He has given talks on David Wojnarowicz as part of the Berkeley Art Museum’s Re@d series and as part of the Bay Area Summer School’s Body night. His work can be found in TRY!, the Swan’s Rag, one ded cow, Perfect Wave Magazine, MaximumRocknRoll and Cleis Press’ Best Gay Erotica 2011, edited by Kevin Killian and Richard LaBonte. Rees’ chapbooks include Like Air and The New Anchorage.