Kelsey Street Press 40th anniversary: Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Susan Gevirtz
Friday, April 25, 2014, 5:00 pm

The Poetry Center celebrates the 40th anniversary of Kelsey Street Press with a reading by Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Susan Gevritz. Free to $10.
McRoskey Mattress Company, 1687 Market Street, San Francisco
The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives, Green Arcade, Kelsey Street Press
The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives
Event extras:
Berkeley-based Kelsey Street Press was founded in 1974 to address the marginalization of women writers by small press and mainstream publishers. From the beginning, the press linked its editorial policy to a poetics of allowance that encouraged women to write directly from their own creative imperatives. Other founding goals were to publish a list that reflected the cultural variety in this country and to publish first books by unvetted writers. In the 1980s, Kelsey instituted a series of cross-genre collaborative works between poets and visual artists. A nonprofit organization, Kelsey Street Press is supported by private foundations, government agencies and its readers.
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