Allegorical Procedures: Bay Area Collage, 1950-Present
Saturday, September 20, 2014 (All day) to Thursday, October 16, 2014 (All day)

This show surveys collage practices in the Bay Area, including related practices of decollage, assemblage, photomontage and detournement. Collage will be conceived broadly as an "allegorical" technique of signification that relies on methods of "confiscation, superimposition and fragmentation," as Benjamin Buchloh observed in his 1980 theorization of collage and montage. Curated by Gwen Allen. Gallery hours: Wednesdays through Saturdays, 11am to 4pm. Opening reception: Saturday, September 20, 1-3pm, featuring performances by Chris Froh, playing on artist Terry Berlier's work "Pan Lid Gamelan II." Free.
Fine Arts Building, Fine Arts Gallery
Department of Art
Event extras:
The exhibition looks back to such well-known precedents as Wallace Berman, Jess, Bruce Conner and the Bay Area Dadaist/Mail art scene of the 1970s, as well as other contemporary artists employing and/or expanding the practice of collage.
- Anna Banana/VILE Magazine
- Terry Berlier
- Wallace Berman/Semina
- Matt Borruso
- Val Britton
- Marie Johnson Calloway
- castaneda/reiman
- Bruce Conner
- John De Fazio
- Jay DeFeo
- Emory Douglas
- Lynn Hershman Leeson
- David Ireland
- Jess
- Jasmin Lim
- Matt Lipps
- Fred Martin
- Brion Nuda Rosch
- Leslie Shows
- Winston Smith