Narrative in Social Media: A Conversation with Dr. Abdur Chowdhury

After serving as America Online’s chief architect for search, he co-founded with a former Twitter CTO — focusing on searching in Twitter. When Twitter acquired in 2008, Chowdhury became Twitter’s chief scientist, working on search, recommendations, extractions and finding the signal in “noise.” He left Twitter in 2012 to pursue a new venture, Pushd, in social media and contextual mobile applications, of which he is the CEO.
Chowdhury is the co-founder of the Alta Vista School in San Francisco, focused on STEAM education for K-8.
Chowdhury earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in computer science from George Mason University and his Ph.D. in computer science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has held positions at academic institutions such as Georgetown University and University of Maryland, and also at various commercial technology companies.