Peter Culley and Stacy Szymaszek at The Poetry Center

Peter Culley
Peter Culley’s books of poetry include The Climax Forest and the Hammertown trilogy: Hammertown, The Age of Briggs and Stratton and Parkway. His writings on art have appeared in numerous publications and catalogues since 1986, and include the acclaimed photo book To the Dogs. His own photographs appear on his blog, mosses from an old manse, and have been the subject of a one-man show, Area A, at the Charles H Scott Gallery in Vancouver in July 2014. His freelance work includes many reviews for Publisher’s Weekly and several years of writing program notes for the Vancouver International Film Festival. He has read extensively including venues such as the Poetry Project in New York, Charles Olson Centenary Conference in Vancouver and Robinson College in Cambridge.
Stacy Szymaszek
Stacy Szymaszek is a poet, editor and arts administrator. She is the author of the books Emptied of All Ships and Hyperglossia, both published by Litmus Press, as well as numerous chapbooks, including Pasolini Poems, Orizaba: A Voyage with Hart Crane, austerity measures and Journal Started in August. Her book Hart Island is forthcoming from Nightboat Books this spring. Her book Journal of Ugly Sites and Other Journals won the Ottoline Prize from Fence Books and will be published this fall. She is the recipient of a 2014 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry. She is a regular teacher for Naropa University’s Summer Writing Program, and a mentor for Queer Art Mentorship. Szymaszek has been the director of the Poetry Project at St. Marks Church in New York since 2007. Before that, she served as the Poetry Project’s program coordinator, and before that she worked at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee.
Related event
Peter Culley and Stacy Szymaszek at Ruth's Table, April 3