Alexander Key: Old Arabic Theory
Thursday, November 5, 2015, 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Alexander Key is a professor of Arabic and comparative literature at Stanford University. His interests range across the literary and intellectual history of the Arabic and Persian-speaking worlds from the seventh century, together with Western political thought and philosophy. Free.
Humanities Building, Room 473
Arabic Program
Mohammad Salama
Event extras:
Key has authored a number of articles on aspects of classical Arabic literature and culture. These include a chapter written with Peter Adamson on the debate between grammar and logic, a study of Quranic inimitability in ar-Raghib and an argument against calling classical Arabic civilization “humanist.” Beyond his research, Key teaches an undergraduate course on the Ethics of Jihad, and is a founding editor of the double-blind peer-reviewed journal for early career scholars: New Middle Eastern Studies.
He received his Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic studies from Harvard University in 2012 and started work at Stanford that same year.