Queer Cinema Institute Pecha Kucha Presentation
Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 5:00 pm

The Queer Cinema Institute welcomes submissions from all students, staff and faculty to present and discuss their work, research or interests at SF State. Each person will have 20 slides to present, 20 seconds per slide. This is an opportunity to showcase the work of enthusiastic queer media artists and create a discussion about interesting projects. Free.
Fine Arts Building, Coppola Theatre
Queer Cinema Institute
Sam Boyd
Event extras:
This is a great opportunity to share your work, inspire future collaborations and practice fast-paced presentation in a low-key environment. Send us a brief note (a short paragraph) outlining the topic you would like to present by March 13.
Pecha Kucha (pronounced pehchakucha), which is Japanese for “the sound of conversation,” is an international phenomenon that was conceived in Japan by Klein Dytham Architecture in 2003, and has rapidly spread to more than 217 cities globally.