Oki Sogumi and Wendy Trevino

Oki Sogumi
Oki Sogumi was born in Seoul, Korea, and resides in Philadelphia. She is the author of The Island of Natural History (forthcoming from Publication Studio) and the chapbooks Salt Wedge, Underglazy (Portable Press at Yo-Yo labs) and Smear Jelly Dreaming A goo Daughter & Time travel and friendship (Museum of Expensive Things). She writes poetry, speculative fiction and into little boxes on the internet sometimes. She dreams commune dreams.
Wendy Trevino
Wendy Trevino’s first chapbook, 128 – 131, was published by Perfect Lovers Press in 2013. Her chapbook Brazilian is not a Race was published by Commune Editions, and Krupskaya Books recently published her chapbook Cruel Work. Her poems have appeared in various print and online journals, including Abraham Lincoln, Armed Cell, the Capilano Review, LIES, Macaroni Necklace, Mondo Bummer, ELDERLY and Open House.