Patriot Acts: The Bad and Nasty Collective (canceled)
Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 5:30 pm

Cornell University Professor Sara Warner presents a talk considering theatrics of popular sovereignty in the wake of the 2016 presidential election. The theater functions as an inherently politicized space of representation and social belonging. Actors and audiences alike engage in "patriot acts," performances of civic engagement and civil disobedience. Reception to follow. This event is part of the fall 2017 Comparative Literature Colloquium Series. Free.
Humanities Building, Room 587
Comparative and World Literature Department
Comparative and World Literature Department
Event extras:
Warner’s book, Acts of Gaiety: LGBT Performance and the Politics of Pleasure (University of Michigan Press, 2012), received the Outstanding Book Award from the Association of Theater in Higher Education, an honorable mention for the Barnard Hewitt Award from the American Society for Theatre Research and was named a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Warner (M.A., ’96) has published widely in journals and anthologies on theater and performance studies, queer aesthetics, second wave feminism, politics, prisons, and academic labor. Her cultural criticism can be found in media outlets such as Time Magazine and Huffington Post.