Past as Prologue: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation in the Age of the Anthropocene

Monday, February 11, 2019, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Photo of Todd J. Braje on a nature trail
Todd J. Braje, the Irvine Chair of Anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences, discusses how the geological age has turned into an Anthropocene, defined as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. Free.
Fine Arts Building, Room 525
Anthropology Department
Sahar Khoury
Event extras: 

In this new geologic epoch of our own making, archaeology and historical ecology are rapidly becoming key disciplinary players by providing deep historical information on the relative abundances of flora and fauna, changes in biogeography, alterations in food webs and much more.

Recent research on California’s Channel Islands offers new perspectives on human-environmental ecodynamics in marine and terrestrial ecosystems and demonstrates that perspectives from deep history will be key in helping to better understand the modern world and confront the challenges of our Anthropocene future.
