Whose Classics? Whose Heritage? Classical Archaeology and the 'Loss of Innocence'

Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 7:00 pm
Photo of person digging at excavation site
Anastasia Sakellariadi, honorary research associate at University College London's Institute of Archaeology, studies archaeology, heritage management, museum studies, history of archaeology, modern Greece, and identity. Sakellariadi has worked in several excavations, mainly in Northern Greece and research projects involving ethnographic research, documentation and digitization. Free.
Humanities Building, Room 587
Center for Greek Studies, Department of Classics, Classics Students Association at SFSU
Center for Greek Studies
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Sakellariadi earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in Archaeology (2001) and in History (2004) and a Master of Arts in Byzantine art and archaeology (2005) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. In 2005 – 2006, she completed a Master of Arts in public archaeology from University College London’s Institute of Archaeology (UCL). In her doctoral thesis, she focused on the development of Greek archaeology in relation to local communities and the public. She graduated in 2011. Since then she has participated in two research projects, undertaken graduate teaching and was managing editor for the Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies.

Sakellariadi was the 2012 – 2013 Ted and Elaine Athanassiades Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Princeton University’s Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies.


Photo courtesy of the Classics Department