Joel Tepper, piano [Canceled]

Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Photo of Joel Tepper playing piano
Photo by Jay Mijares

Please note: This event is canceled to help limit the potential exposure of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For updated information on SF State’s response to COVID-19, visit the novel coronavirus information page.

Pianist Joel Tepper has performed with the San Francisco Symphony and Berkeley Promenade Orchestra and given numerous concerts at University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford. His principal teachers include Marcus Gordon, Bernhard Abramowitsch, Adolph Baller and Julian White. Recent projects include a CD of both the Schubert “Wanderer Fantasy” and the Beethoven Sonata, Opus 111. He earned his bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley, in music and psychology and a Master of Fine Arts from Mills College. Free.

Creative Arts Building, Knuth Hall
School of Music
School of Music