Wendy Trevino with Zaina Alsous [Canceled]

Please note: This event is canceled to help limit the potential exposure of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). For updated information on SF State’s response to COVID-19, visit the novel coronavirus information page.
Wendy Trevino (“Cruel Fiction”) and Zaina Alsous (“A Theory of Birds”) read from their poetry. These events are part of Trevino’s work as Mazza Writer in Residence at The Poetry Center. Supported by the Sam Mazza Foundation. Free.
Wendy Trevino
Wendy Trevino was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. She is a grant writer in San Francisco, where she shares an apartment with her boyfriend, friend and two senior cats. She has published chapbooks with Perfect Lovers Press, Commune Editions and Krupskaya Books. Her chapbook “#YourHarveyWeinstein” was published by Spoilsport Editions — an online press she started with writer Oki Sogumi — in 2017. “Cruel Fiction” (Commune Editions, 2018) is her first full-length book of poetry. Trevino is not an experimental writer.
Zaina Alsous
Zaina Alsous is a prison abolitionist, a daughter of the Palestinian diaspora and a movement worker in South Florida. Her poetry, reviews and essays have been published in Poetry magazine, The Kenyon Review, New Inquiry, Adroit and elsewhere. She edits for Scalawag Magazine, a publication dedicated to unsettling dominant narratives of the U.S. South. Her chapbook “Lemon Effigies” (Anhinga Press, 2018) won the Rick Campbell Chapbook Prize. Her first full-length collection “A Theory of Birds” (University of ArkansasP ress, 2019) won the Etel Adnan Poetry Prize.
Mazza Writer in Residence
The Mazza Writer in Residence program allows Wendy Trevino to work with students of poetry, drama and other studies, and present performances both on and off the San Francisco State campus, with intensive student and community involvement. The residency pairs classroom workshop situations aimed at students, with performances open to the general public.