The Rise of Religious Cinema in Israel

Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm
Photo of Eran Kaplan talking and using hand gestures while seated in room with blinds closed

For decades, Israeli cinema has told and shown the Jewish national story in Israel from a distinct secular point of view. In the current century, Israeli cinema (and Israeli visual culture, more broadly) has shown greater interest in Jewish religious themes and characters. This lecture will explore the growing interest in religious themes in Israeli cinema and broader social and historical forces behind it. Free.

Presented by the Department of Jewish Studies as part of the Fall 2020 Lectures in Jewish Studies. Co-sponsored by the Classics Department and the Jewish Community Library.

Eran Kaplan

Eran Kaplan is the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor in Israel Studies at San Francisco State University. His most recent book is “Projecting the Nation: Ideology and History on the Israeli Screen.”

Online (Zoom)
Rachel Gross