Alum Allison Milham Features her Art at Gallery Opening

Wednesday, May 06, 2015
THE MANEATER (UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI) -- “The story is told, of the people who love the land.” These words are the final phrases of the Hawaiian song “Kaulana Nā Pua,” also known as “Famous are the Flowers.” Artist Allison Milham’s most recent project is heavily influenced by this song, even using the English translation as its name. Her two-week show at the Craft Studio opened Thursday, April 30. Milham, with a flower in her hair, played the ukulele and sang her project’s namesake song in Hawaiian. Like the song, Milham’s installation is a battle cry for the movement against the general disrespect of Hawaiians and their land. Milham has been interested in art since high school. She received her undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University, then attended graduate school at the University of Alabama, where she studied book arts. However, the Hawaiian influence did not appear until more recently.