Patient No More! Exhibit Celebrates Bay Area's Contributions to Disability Rights Movement

Tuesday, September 08, 2015
KPFA-FM (BERKELEY) -- We take you to the opening of Patient No More! People With Disabilities Securing Civil Rights, an accessible, interactive exhibit celebrating the Bay Area’s contributions to the disability rights movement. The opening ceremonies focus on the participants in the groundbreaking 504 occupation of the U.S. Federal Building in San Francisco in 1977. The “Patient No More” exhibit was produced at the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University. Pino Trogu and Silvan Linn, assistant professors of design and fellows at the Longmore Institute, coordinated the work of 20 student interns to design and develop the exhibit. “I think of our exhibit as continuing the spirit of resourcefulness, collaboration and playfulness from the 504 protestors,” says Catherine Kudlick, director of the Longmore Institute and an SF State professor of History.