Professor Arcega's Art Featured at Skyline College

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
SKYLINE VIEW (SKYLINE COLLEGE) -- The exhibit also exposes the art community to many different styles, forms and materials. In this case, the artists scavenged a lot of the materials and built them into unique art pieces. All of the works in the gallery use non-traditional materials. For example, artist and exhibitor Michael Arcega, an Art professor from San Francisco State University, brings with him an interesting background: He has done a year’s residency with SF Recology and uses only materials from this dump site. Currently, Arcega is teaching an installation as well as a sculpture class at San Francisco State University. “This is in power with a lot of contemporary practices,” Arcega said. “This exhibition is up-to-date with what the art world is having a conversation about. Traditional exhibitions are more and more becoming the ‘rare thing.’ It’s almost like modern art versus contemporary art, and this show is pretty contemporary.”