Alum Yosimar Reyes: Immigration Ruling Another Hit against Queer Latinos

Monday, June 27, 2016
THE ADVOCATE -- “When we live in these intersections, we become aware that we cannot compartmentalize our struggles. What happened in Orlando is connected to what happened in the Supreme Court in the same way that we cannot talk about the rights of immigrants without talking about #BlackLivesMatter. “When you get news like this back-to-back it hurts. It becomes difficult to find the hope to continue pushing. Anger takes hold and we are left wondering, what does this country want to do with us? What more do they need us to prove? Now more than ever we are seeing the importance of building solidarity with the struggles of all people. Your survival is essential to mine and because of it we must continue to resist, to fight, move forward, and better yet, to dance.” Yosimar Reyes is a nationally acclaimed poet, educator, performance artist and public speaker. Reyes holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and is an arts fellow at Define American.