Alum David E. Peterson Lands Lead Role in 'Hair'

Thursday, August 03, 2017

GARRETT COUNTY REPUBLICAN (MARYLAND) -- A son of Susan Peterson, Oakland, and Tom Peterson, Kingwood, West Virginia, David holds a Bachelor’s degree in music from West Virginia University and a Master of Music in vocal performance from San Francisco State University. He is a member of the American Guild of Musical Artists and of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus.

Other roles played by Peterson include Judas in a San Francisco City College production of Jesus Christ, Superstar; the role of Jesus in the same musical at California University of Pennsylvania; Darko in the Burning Opera; Adonis in the Rite of Spring in Hollywood; Jack Kerouac in Ginsburg in Song; Robin Hood at the Boar’s Head Festival as a member of San Francisco Renaissance Voices; and Jim Jones in Heaven Down Here.
