Artist's Life: Alum Emily Fromm, Painter of Urban Landscapes

Thursday, June 28, 2018
Photo of Emily Fromm standing in front of two of her paintings

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE -- Five years out of San Francisco State, Fromm has succeeded as an artist living in the city, as measured by the fact that she is still an artist living in the city. She has a solo exhibition scheduled and a new commission for a long-term art installation at San Francisco International Airport.

Fromm works in acrylic, a synthetic paint, because it is cheaper than oil, dries faster and is less toxic, an important consideration in the kitchen.

When Fromm started, she had a full-time day job as an office manager, 40 hours a week or more. As she started to sell her paintings, she was gradually able to cut back to three days.

“Painting is just not enough to survive on,” she says. “I still need something to supplement it.”

Photo by Alán González-Suman
