Alum Stephanie Mohan Uses Photography Skills Helps Fairfax Businesses

Thursday, April 23, 2020

MARIN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL -- “Normally, I shoot portraits, and I am very involved with my models and subjects and now I am trying to be more of a fly on the wall,” says Mohan, who has a degree in photojournalism from San Francisco State University. “I feel like I have the time to play a little bit and be a little more creative than normal.”

Like Levin, Mohan is also finding ways to creatively help her community. Through the Fairfax Front Porch Project, she is taking family portraits from a safe distance, with 50 percent of the proceeds going to the Fairfax small-business storefront community. The Fairfax Artist in Residence Collaborative that she is a part of helped coordinate an online art show featuring artists of Fairfax, Ross Valley and West Marin at
