Letter to Editor Questions Provenance of Yemeni Collection Used in Professor Chigay's Research

Monday, August 24, 2020

J. (SAN FRANCISCO) -- SFSU professor and journalist Chanan Tigay’s recognition is well deserved, as the story told in “The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World’s Oldest Bible” takes the reader back to a forgotten time in Jerusalem, almost 150 years ago, and raises an important issue of more than local interest.

When the book was published in 2016, J. wrote about the Yemenite collection held at San Francisco State’s Sutro Library, which plays a critical role in Tigay’s tale.

I think it behooves the Sutro Library at SFSU to seriously consider the questionable provenance of its Yemeni collection, and begin the process to restore it to the Yemeni community and religious institutions in Israel who are its rightful owners.
