Writers on Writing: Amina Cain
Cain is also the author of I Go To Some Hollow (Les Figues Press). Her writing has appeared in publications such as n+1, The Paris Review Daily, Denver Quarterly, BOMB, Puerto del Sol, Everyday Genius and Two Serious Ladies; as a chaplet through Belladonna* and a chapbook in the PARROT Series; and is forthcoming in the anthology The Force of What’s Possible: Writers on Accessibility and the Avant-Garde (Nightboat Books). Several of her stories have been translated into Polish on Minimal Books, and a French translation of “Black Wings is out in Jet d’encre. She is a member of Betalevel, a basement space in Los Angeles’ Chinatown where she curates readings and events, and is a literature contributing editor at BOMB.
The Creative Writing Department opens its Writers on Writing course to the public on Mondays this semester. Taught by Robert Glück, the course features faculty and visiting writers reading from their works and discussing their creative process.