Writers on Writing: Sarah Riggs

Sunday, November 4, 2012, 4:00 pm
Sarah Riggs discusses her Autobiography of Envelopes. Riggs' other works include WATERWORK, Chain of Miniscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling, 60 TEXTOS and 36 Blackberries. Free.
Humanities Building, Humanities Auditorium
Creative Writing Department
Event extras: 

Riggs has translated or co-translated from French works by poets Isabelle Garron, Marie Borel, Etel Adnan, Ryoko Sekiguchi and Oscarine Bosquet. Several of Riggs’ books of poetry have appeared in French translations by Françoise Valéry and others. A member of the bilingual poetry collective Double Change and founder of the inter-art nonprofit Tamaas, Riggs divides her time between the U.S. coasts and Paris, where she is a professor at NYU-in-France.

The Creative Writing Department opens its Writers on Writing course to the public every Monday evening of the semester. Taught by Professor Robert Glück, the course features faculty and visiting writers reading from their works and discussing their creative process.