Claudia Keelan and Rusty Morrison
Claudia Keelan
Claudia Keelan is the author of seven books of poetry, including Utopic, Missing He and the verse-drama O, Heart, published by Barrow Street in spring 2014. Truth of My Songs: The Poems of the Trobairitz is Keelan’s first book of translations. She teaches at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she is director of creative writing and the editor of Interim.
Rusty Morrison
Rusty Morrison’s After Urgency won The Dorset Prize. the true keeps calm biding its story won The Sawtooth Prize, the Academy of American Poets’ James Laughlin Award, a Northern California Book Award and the DiCastagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America. Morrison’s Whethering won the Colorado Prize for Poetry. Her poems and/or essays have appeared, or will appear in A Public Space, American Poetry Review, Aufgabe, Boston Review, Gulf Coast, Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, Lana Turner, Pleiades, Spoon River, The Volta’s Evening Will Come, VOLT and elsewhere, and have been anthologized in Norton’s Postmodern American Poetry (second edition), The Arcadia Project: Postmodern Pastoral, Beauty is a Verb and The Sonnets: Translating and Rewriting Shakespeare. She has been co-publisher of Omnidawn Publishing since 2001. Beyond the Chainlink, her newest book, appeared in 2014.