Writers on Writing: Catherine M. Brady

Sunday, April 14, 2013, 5:00 pm
Catherine M. Brady discusses her short-story collection Curled in the Bed of Love, co-winner of the 2002 Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction and a finalist for the 2003 Binghamton John Gardner Fiction Book Award. Brady's most recent collection, The Mechanics of Falling and Other Stories, was published in 2009. Her first collection of short stories, The End of the Class War, was a finalist for the 2000 Western States Book Award in Fiction. Her stories have been included in Best American Short Stories 2004 and numerous anthologies and journals. Free.
Humanities Building, Humanities Auditorium
Creative Writing Department
Event extras: 

The Creative Writing Department opens its Writers on Writing course to the public every Monday evening of the semester. Taught by Professor Camille Dungy, the course features faculty and visiting writers reading from their works and discussing their creative process.
