Tuesday, February 23, 2016
GOLDEN GATE XPRESS -- The tournament, held February 21 – 22, consisted of five matchups against Stanford University, University of Southern California, Fresno State, Arizona State University and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. It was the first time SF State’s forensics team won first place in a tournament open to its entire region, and Teddy Albiniak, the director of forensics, was pleased with the outcome of the tournament. “We had a great weekend!” Albiniak said in an e-mail. “SFSU took the top prize at our tournament.” Genelle Murray and Aliyah Khadijah Shaheed were shining stars at the tournament. They emerged victorious from their matchup after maintaining and defending the argument that the deliberation of the policies made federally in the United States, must start from the viewpoint of black women.