Señal Series Poets
Florencia Castellano
Florencia Castellano is the author of Un ruiseñor completamente blanco and Relieves de dispersión. She was part of the editorial group of the magazines Quesquesé (1997 – 2001) and Ilusiones perdidas (2001), and helped organize the Latin American Poetry Festival Salida al mar from 2007 to 2009. She edited the anthologies Quedar en lo cantado, Antología de poesía argentina y dominicana and Un libro oscuro. 106 poemas negros. Castellano teaches literature in high school and at the Universidad Di Tella in Buenos Aires.
Luis Felipe Fabre
Luis Felipe Fabre is a poet and critic based in Mexico City. He has published a volume of essays, Leyendo agujeros, Ensayos sobre (des)escritura, antiescritura y no escritura and the poetry collections Cabaret Provenza, La sodomía en la Nueva Españaand Poemas de terror y de misterio. He is the editor of two anthologies of contemporary Mexican poetry, Divino Tesoro, La Edad de Oroand Arte y Basura, an anthology of Mario Santiago Papasquiaro's poetry work. He has been curator of the Poesía en Voz Alta Festival and Todos los originales serán destruídos, an exhibition of contemporary art made by poets.
Pablo Katchadjian
Pablo Katchadjian is the author of the novels La libertad total (Bajo la luna), Gracias (Blatt & Ríos) and Qué hacer (Bajo la luna). He has also written books of a less clear genre: La cadena del desánimo (Blatt & Ríos), Mucho trabajo (Spiral Jetty), El Aleph engordado (Imprenta Argentina de Poesía) and El Martín Fierro ordenado alfabéticamente (IAP) and three books of poetry: el cam del alch (IAP), dp canta el alma (Vox) and in collaboration with Marcelo Galindo and Santiago Pintabona, los albañiles (IAP). His work has been translated into English, French and Hebrew. La libertad total was adapted as an opera and staged at Teatro San Martín in 2014.