PlayGround Theatre Company, Founded at SF State, Presents 'The 24 Hour Plays: Bay Area'

Friday, August 03, 2018

BROADWAY WORLD (SAN FRANCISCO) -- PlayGround, the Bay Area’s (and now Los Angeles’) leading playwright incubator, will mark the opening of its 25th season with a special one-night gala celebration and performance, and the launch of a bold new partnership. In collaboration with NYC-based The 24 Hour Plays, PlayGround will present the inaugural The 24 Hour Plays: Bay Area, featuring fully produced and performed (i.e., off-book) performances of six original 10-minute plays by distinguished PlayGround alumni, written and developed over just 24 hours.

Founded at San Francisco State University in 1994 by Jim Kleinmann (artistic director), Brighde Mullins and Denise Shama, PlayGround has supported more than 200 local playwrights in the development and staging of 850 original short plays and 75 new full-length plays over the past two decades, including 27 that have since premiered in the Bay Area.
