'Pericles' Excites Theatre Department

Thursday, November 08, 2018

GOLDEN GATE XPRESS -- The set for Pericles, Prince of Tyre boats lighting that adjusts throughout the show to embody different times of day. In the center of the stage are levels that look like they’re made out of stone that cast members perform on. Towards the back of the stage are modeled to look like masts of a ship, that is also used as a prop in the show.

“It’s one of the most beautiful sets that I’ve worked on, and that I’ve seen in general,” Afshar said.

Directing Pericles, Prince of Tyre brought Avery and his cast together.

“I love them all. They’re like my children now. They were willing to do anything we asked with commitment and joy. It’s been one of my most cherished experiences, period,” Avery said.
