Maged Zaher and Rodney Koeneke

Maged Zaher
Maged Zaher is the author of If Reality Doesn’t Work Out, Thank You for the Window Office, The Revolution Happened and You Didn’t Call and Portrait of the Poet as an Engineer. His collaborative work with the Australian poet Pam Brown, Farout Library Software, was published by Tinfish Press in 2007. His translations of contemporary Egyptian poetry were recently published as The Tahrir of Poems (Alice Blue Books). Zaher performed his work at Subtext, Bumbershoot, the Kootenay School of Writing, St. Marks Project, Evergreen State College and The American University in Cairo. Zaher won the 2013 Genius Award in Literature from the Seattle weekly The Stranger.
Rodney Koeneke
Rodney Koeneke is the author of three poetry books, most recently Etruria. A new chapbook, Seven for Boetticher and Other Poems, is just out from Oakland’s Hooke Press. Recent work can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, Fence, Granta, Gulf Coast, The Nation and at Harriet, where he was August’s Featured Writer. Koeneke lives in Portland, where he teaches British and world history at Portland State.
Related event
The Tahrir of Poems: Seven Contemporary Egyptian Poets with Maged Zaher, April 23