
Humanities 110 – Open Computer Lab for Students

Drop-in lab for students (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) with the College of Liberal & Creative Arts Advising Resource Center (ARC) right next door (HUM 112). Come by to use the computers that are there, plug in your own lap top, and get advising on GE, probation, petitions and much more.

  • 12 Windows computers
  • 4 Macintosh computers
  • 12 spaces for lab tops, plug-ins
  • 1 adjustable table

Humanities 294 - The English Tutoring Center (E.T.C.)

A self-service facility with both PC and MAC platforms and full Internet capabilities. While this facility is reserved primarily for current Composition students' and tutors' use, other College of Humanities' students may use the facility when computers are available. English faculty members are welcome to use the MAC computer reserved for them in the E.T.C.

  • 24 Windows computers
  • 6 Macintosh computers
  • OneCard laser printing available

Humanities 391 - Critical Thinking Lab

  • 30 Windows computers
  • OneCard laser printing available

Humanities 404 - Foreign Language Multimedia Center

The Foreign Language Lab is dedicated to the learning of foreign languages. The lab is divided into two sections: the computer lab and the audio lab. The computer lab contains about 60 computers, both Macs and PCs, which are all dedicated to foreign language software. Most of the software for these computers can be found on the actual computers, however, some applications on CD-ROM need to be checked out.

  • 44 Windows computers
  • 16 Macintosh computers
  • OneCard laser printing available

Go to Modern Language Lab website