Dean's Messages

LCA Announcements for Faculty and Staff in the College of Liberal & Creative Arts

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,    

As we close out the semester with the final Hub of 2024, I want to acknowledge the challenges our tight-knit community is facing, including the budget and enrollment realities that have hurt many in our community so profoundly. I hear your concerns and am committed to working together to navigate these difficult complexities through transparent communication and honest conversations.    

At the same time, I am heartened by the ongoing remarkable achievements across our College, even in the face of adversity. This issue of The Hub highlights extraordinary teaching, research, creative activity, events, and other accomplishments that define and distinguish who we are. These moments of excellence deserve to be celebrated, as they reflect the heart of our shared mission to inspire, innovate, and make a lasting impact.  

Best regards, 

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, 

Welcome to the Fall semester — as we embark on a new academic year, I am filled with excitement and optimism for the journey ahead. This year, we embrace the theme of Futures — a celebration of the possibilities that lie before us and the collective potential we have to shape them. 

Our college thrives on the diversity of its community. Together, with our rich tapestry of backgrounds and ideas, we will explore new horizons, challenge ourselves, and build upon the rich traditions of our college — fostering a true sense of belonging and connection. 

To further strengthen our connections — and as part of my dedication to uphold our commitment to inclusivity and transparent communication — I am pleased to announce several initiatives from the Dean’s Office: 

Introducing LCA’s The Hub 

  • We are launching a monthly e-newsletter called “The Hub,” designed to keep everyone connected and informed about LCA events, campus happenings, and department news. It will also spotlight stories featuring our incredible students, faculty, and staff. 
  • The Hub will be distributed on the first Tuesday of each month and will serve as an open communication platform for all. 
  • All LCA students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to contribute to “The Hub” by sharing information you would like our SFSU community to know about. 
  • Submissions can be made through Qualtrics and should be submitted no later than the 18th of each month to be included in the following month’s issue. 
  • Detailed instructions for your submission can be found here

In addition to the e-newsletter, important information and updates will also be shared through flyers in designated organizational spaces across campus during the first week of each month, in alignment with the e-newsletter communications cadence. 

Teach the Dean 

  • This series of pop-up events across campus is a fun and engaging initiative I am really excited about. 
  • This is an opportunity for students to teach me something you’re passionate about or share insights from your field of study. 
  • Whether it's a few steps from a traditional dance, a discussion on sustainability initiatives, mindfulness techniques, a crash course on the latest social media trends, or even how to do a quick sketch — I'm eager to learn from you! Lifelong learner here!! 
  • Our first pop-up will be on Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 11 am to 12 pm. The location is to be announced. To attend and sign-up for a timeslot, please register here

Let’s connect and strengthen our community bonds by teaching your Dean a few things about what makes SFSU LCA so inclusive and amazing.

LCA Working Groups 

  • To advance our work on the theme of Futures, all members of the LCA community are invited to participate in working groups on specific topics. 
  • The topics we will focus on first are 1) inclusive and 2) enduring. We will start with an information session in the end of September, before starting working group meetings in October. 
  • If you’d like to participate, please complete the survey here so we can determine meeting times. 

Ancestor Appreciation Day - September 27, 2024 

  • Please mark your calendars and watch for upcoming information about a special cross-cultural event hosted by the LCA to honor and celebrate our diverse heritages and legacies that are shaping our futures.   

Dean’s Office Hours 

  • Regular office hours are held every Thursday from 1 pm to 2 pm in the Dean’s Office. Email to sign up for a 15-minute timeslot. 

As we look forward to a promising Fall semester and set ourselves on the path toward our futures, I encourage every one of us to continue to cultivate an enduringly inclusive environment in LCA. Let us embrace our futures with enthusiasm and support for one another. I am confident that with our collective efforts, this semester will be nothing short of amazing. 

I look forward to a year of greater collaboration and communication as well as deepened engagement with all the meaningful work you and we all are doing.

Dear LCA Faculty and Staff,

As we reach the end of the spring semester, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to each of you. While the challenges have been many over the last several months, your continued presence, active engagement, and willingness to contribute to the betterment of our college have not gone unnoticed. Even amid difficulties, the work and progress you and our students have achieved has been truly inspiring.   

There are many accomplishments to celebrate. Examples include the phenomenal student scholars and faculty mentors whose work we saw at the CURE Undergraduate Research Showcase to the external awards won by faculty members, including Hsiao-Yun Chu, Trevor Getz, and N. Rae Shaw, to the successful tenure and promotion cases of so many of our colleagues. I am also immensely proud of the faculty mentorship and staff support that helped our 2024 LCA Hood Recipients — Genesis Sorrick and Zen Lewis, as well as so many other students, to thrive and excel in every way possible. You did that, colleagues!! 

I would love the opportunity to celebrate and amplify our college’s achievements. Please follow the link to share information about other AY 2023 – 2024 points-of-pride

I especially want to thank those who participated in last month's All-College Check-In. The check-in’s success demonstrated how much we can achieve when we come together as a community. Your insights and engagement regarding our working groups focused on keeping our college Accessible, Inclusive, Enduring, and Interesting are invaluable in shaping the future of LCA, and we’re acting on your feedback. 

Many of you have expressed a desire for more open communication channels and opportunities to contribute. I am excited to announce the launch of a new monthly LCA newsletter starting in the fall semester. The newsletter will serve as a collective platform to share important college news, student and faculty achievements, and upcoming events. More information about how you can contribute your own stories and updates will be shared soon. 

While my newly scheduled office hours have allowed me to connect with many of you, I understand the timing may not align with everyone’s schedules. In addition to office hours and the ability to call or email my office at any time, we will implement brief surveys throughout the year to gather your feedback, ideas, insights, and concerns. 

I am eager to hear from you, and I invite you to participate in our first survey.

Your responses will be crucial and help us to refine communication strategies and improve the college experience for all. Additionally, we are committed to maintaining and building on the momentum sparked during the All-College Check-In earlier in the semester. Thanks to those who volunteered to join our working groups. We look forward to sharing more information soon regarding future gatherings. I am encouraged by the connections and conversations that began during the event. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming opportunities to gather as a community to connect, share, and learn together. Your ongoing engagement and active participation are essential as we strive to create a thriving, inclusive, and resilient LCA community. 

Finally, I want to acknowledge that this was a busy academic year. Whether you are away or on campus in the coming summer months, I encourage you to take some time to relax and decompress. For those interested, I encourage you to read a recently published blog from a colleague on the importance of rest and renewal, which also includes some basic strategies that can be helpful now and in the future. Thank you once again for your unwavering dedication to our college. Together, we can achieve great things! 

Dear College of Liberal & Creative Arts Faculty and Staff, 

I hope this message finds you well amidst the myriad of challenges and transitions we are currently navigating together. It's with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the profound loss our community has experienced with the sudden passing of Associate Dean Catrióna Rueda Esquibel. This event, along with the departures of dear LCA friends and colleagues, has undeniably impacted our morale and sense of community. 

It is in these moments of grief and transition that I am reminded of the resilience, creativity, and determination that define us. We are a community that thrives on finding new pathways and solutions, especially when faced with obstacles in contexts seemingly not designed for our success. This journey is undoubtedly challenging, but it is your remarkable strength and dedication that make it possible. 

You are truly remarkable. 

In recent times, we have witnessed the incredible potential and enthusiasm within our community. The visit from SFUSD high school students, led by the Video Games Council in partnership with Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, and the involvement of Chairs, Directors, and faculty across LCA departments and programs, was a testament to our collective commitment to inspiring the next generation. The joy and eagerness to learn from both the students and our faculty were palpable and deeply inspiring. 

We also have much to celebrate, including the outstanding achievement of our Moot Court team, which has been named national champion in the written brief competition. 

Congratulations to Mayuu Kashimura, Olivia Clarke, and the entire team for this outstanding accomplishment. Additionally, the engaging book talk with SFSU Humanities alum Cookie Woolner was a highlight that showcased the depth and diversity of our community. 

As we move forward, I want to emphasize my commitment to connecting with each of you — students, faculty, and staff. Your success and well-being is my utmost priority. 

To facilitate this, I am introducing on campus office hours every Thursday at 1pm. This will be an opportunity for us to share information, ideas, and insights directly. To book a time, please email:

This first step is part of a broader effort to enhance communication and connection with me and within our college, which will also include an All-College Check-In gathering with food and music on March 14, Listening and Learning sessions, the re-launch of the LCA newsletter, and Walkabouts. 

It's important to me that you feel heard, seen, and understood. Everyone is invited to attend these office hours — whether you're a student, faculty, or staff member. I encourage you to bring any subject, concern, or initiative you wish to discuss. 

I wish to also reiterate my deep appreciation for each of you. The challenges we face are significant, but so is our capacity to overcome them. Together, let's continue to build a future that honors our shared values and the success of our students.

Fellow Faculty and Staff, 

Throughout my initial months as dean, I dedicated myself to better understanding the unique dynamics of our university and college. This period of active and intentional learning has helped me appreciate the narratives that have shaped our institution over the years. It has also enlightened me about the challenges we face and the aspirations that drive us forward. Most of all, it has helped me appreciate the vibrant community that defines us.   

As we step into the Spring semester, I am filled with a sense of careful optimism and gratitude. Even as we navigate through challenges that test our resilience and adaptability, it is through our shared dialogues, collaborative efforts, and commitment to open and clear communication that will continue to see us through.  

This includes my own efforts to continue developing connections and working collaboratively to ensure that our next steps are informed, strategic, and aligned with our shared vision for LCA. It is my promise to increase communication and provide transparent insight into our strategic plan and overall target goals for 2024 over the coming weeks. 

We are not only educators; we are mentors, guides, and innovators whose dedication to our students is genuinely inspiring the next generation of thinkers, makers, and doers. While there is much to be done, let me encourage you to continue building a strong LCA community — one that celebrates connection and communication.  

Let this be a semester filled with growth, learning, and transformative experiences. I look forward to keeping the lines of communication open.

Dear LCA Faculty and Staff Colleagues, 

Yesterday was my birthday (thanks, Mom!!), and I have been doing a lot of reflecting. While this semester has brought many challenges, I appreciate having had the opportunity to start getting to know all of you. Thank you for your contributions to our college and for all the support you provide. I’ve been thinking about how welcoming you’ve all been throughout this, my first semester here. Thank you so so much!! 

Learning about all the amazing work you are doing has been a true pleasure. I have enjoyed learning about the many points of pride in the College, including its undergraduate research programs, its curriculum innovation initiatives, and its faculty's spectacular range of RSCA projects. There is still a lot to learn in a College of this size and I look forward to discovering more in the year ahead. From the amazing poetry and music at our Fall 2023 all-college welcome, to the presentations at the Marcus Research Showcase, to the vital work you do each and every day on campus or remotely with and for our students, you are phenomenal people! I am in awe of you, colleagues. I’m excited for us to get the word out about and build forward on all the incredible work you have been doing. 

I know this has been a tremendously hard semester, to put it mildly. The pain in LCA has been especially palpable. Our current financial realities have prevented us from doing many things that we’ve dreamed of and needed. As your Dean – and as someone who has taught the humanities throughout my career, I understand many of the concerns that you may have at this moment. Please know that I see you, I see all the wonderful intentions you bring to your work. I see the results when I talk with our students and see their work. 

As faculty and staff, you are the heart of our college and are invaluable to creating the environments in which our students learn and grow. I look forward to spending more time getting to know you. Together, and with our partners at and beyond SFSU, I know we can find innovative data-driven ways to build a brighter future for our college and university. 

Thank you for all the great and crucial work you have done and are doing. 

I wish you a restful winter break! See you in 2024!