A Conversation with Dr. Cornel West
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Event Time 06:30 p.m. - 08:00 p.m.
McKenna Theatre, Creative Arts Building
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Dr. Cornel West is the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair at Union Theological Seminary. Dr. West teaches on the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, as well as courses in Philosophy of Religion, African American Critical Thought, and a wide range of subjects including but by no means limited to, the classics, philosophy, politics, cultural theory, literature, and music.
He has written 20 books and has edited 13. He is best known for his classics, Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and for his memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. His most recent book, Black Prophetic Fire, offers an unflinching look at nineteenth and twentieth-century African American leaders and their visionary legacies.