The 9th Ocha Zanmai: 2023 International Conference on Chanoyu and Tea Culture
The College of Liberal & Creative Arts and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at San Francisco State University, with a special grant from the Imuraya Group, present
The 9th Ocha Zanmai: 2023 International Conference on Chanoyu and Tea Culture
Theme: “Chanoyu and Tea Culture from Multiple Perspectives”
The 2023 Ocha Zanmai Conference takes the form of online video premieres on Saturday, July 15 (Japan time: Sunday, July 16). There will be no webinars.
For inquiries, email to mmckeon@sfsu.edu (Midori McKeon, Ocha Zanmai Organizer).
Released videos will be accessible to conference registrants from July 15 through October 31, 2023 (California Time - PST). Registrants will receive the access links by email.
If your address is not within USA or Canada, use the following address at the ticket site: "1600 Holloway Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132" instead of your own international address.
This will enable you to view the conference videos. But on the payment page, your address must be exactly the same as your credit card billing address.
"Tracing the Roots of 'Tea', 'Cha’, & 'Chai': How Diachrony Informs the History of the Fragrant Leaf"
Chris Wen-Chao Li, Ph.D., Professor of Linguistics, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, San Francisco State University
Presentation in English only; no Japanese translation
SESSION CHAIR: Frederik H. Green, San Francisco State University
"The Relationship between Wood & People as Seen through Wood Materials Used in the Tea Ceremony Room"
Suyako Tazuru, Ph.D., Lecturer, Center for Future Pioneering Research on the Humanosphere, Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University
Presentation in Japanese with English translation
SESSION CHAIR: Tamaki Yano, Professor Emeritus, Doshisha University
"Ueda Soko's Life, Legacy & Tea Way"
Adam Somu Wojcinski, Direct-disciple and translator for the 16th Grandmaster of the Ueda School, Ueda Sokei
Presentation in English only; no Japanese translation
SESSION CHAIR: Stephen Roddy, University of San Francisco
“The Aesthetics of ‘Soso’—the Origins of the Suki Tea Ceremony”
Minjeong Park, Ph.D. Secretary of the International Traditional Arts Research Group & Representative of the Japan-Korea Tea Culture Exchange Association
Presentation in Japanese only
SESSION CHAIR: Yoshiyuki Miyatake, Joint Research Associate, Kyoto and Tea Culture Research Center, Doshisha University