Explore LCA Majors!
Tuesday, April 05, 2022
Event Time 12:00 p.m. - 02:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Building Balcony
Contact Email
Undeclared? Thinking about changing majors? Looking for a minor? Join us on April 5 and explore the 21 departments and schools of the College of Liberal & Creative Arts:
- Anthropology
- Art
- Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts
- Cinema
- Classics
- Communication Studies
- Comparative & World Literature
- Creative Writing
- Design
- English Language and Literature
- History
- Humanities & Liberal Studies
- International Relations
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism
- Modern Languages & Literatures
- Music
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Theatre & Dance
- Women and Gender Studies
Meet faculty from the programs listed above. Learn about stimulating courses and diverse career opportunities for each of the majors. Food and beverages will be served!
- Location: Fine Arts Building balcony (across from the west side of the Cesar Chavez Student Center)
- Sponsor: College of Liberal & Creative Arts
- Contact: LCA Student Services
- E-mail: lcastudentservices@sfsu.edu