Students Successful in Online Speech, Debate Event

SF State’s Speech and Debate Team was successful in its season-opening tournament, Lewis and Clark College’s Steve Hunt Classic. It was held October 9 – 11 in an online format.
Notable results for SF State:
- Zachary Waters: second place, open dramatic interpretation
- Karina Crist and Dani Desales: second place, novice parliamentary debate
- Maryam Issa: top speaker, novice parliamentary debate
- JP Escarcega: third place and sixth speaker, junior varsity Lincoln-Douglas debate
About 70 colleges and universities nationwide competed in the tournament. Forensics Director Teddy Albiniak says he is proud of the students’ efforts, talents and resiliency.
“Like so many of our experiences over the past months, learning how to navigate the ins-and-outs of new technology platforms and experimenting with a change in format is, in my opinion, a courageous feat,” he said.
The team’s coaches are Lecturers Orion Steele and Pablo Ramirez and graduate students Oliver Tripp, Victoria Meuter-Montijo, Brianna Morales, Olivea Flickinger-Renzi and Katelyn Gonzalves.