Instructional and Technical Support

Academic Technology provides hardware and software support for university-owned computers used by faculty, staff, and students. Hardware support is provided for college-provided computers in faculty and department offices, and computer labs. Software support is provided for college and university licensed software installed on faculty, staff, and student computers. Support includes troubleshooting hardware and software related problems, and training in the use of hardware and software. Also, support staff is available to provide tours of college computer labs for faculty and staff.

Academic Technology

Academic Technology provides computing and technical support service to faculty, staff and programmatic resources in the College.

Phone: (415) 405-5555
Website: Academic Technology

Academic Technology Media & Classroom Support

The Academic Technology Media Distribution and Support provides all of the audio-visual services to the SF State classrooms. AV equipment is available for checkout including mobile computer consoles and laptops.

Phone: (415) 338-1494
Website: Academic Technology Media & Classroom Support

Computer Labs

AT provides management and support for computers in instructional spaces including computer classrooms and computer labs to participating units within Academic Affairs. To learn more, and find request forms to add hardware and software to a computer lab space, visit the Computer Classroom/Lab Management service page.

LCA Copy Center

Marcus Hall Building, Room 446
This facility is equipped with two Macintosh computers and 2 Xerox machines for scanning and faxing.

The LCA Copy Center is available only to College of Liberal & Creative Arts faculty members and their supervised assistants. Occasional users of the facility are welcome and can request access from the front desk at Marcus Hall, Room 404. Saving personal files on flash-drives is encouraged.

Student Classrooms

  1. Humanities Building, Room 200
       25 Dell Pentium IV computers
  2. Humanities Building, Room 401
       26 Dell Pentium IV computers
  3. Humanities Building, Room 403
       26 Macintosh iMac G5 computers

Web Publishing